Sunday, May 15, 2011

They Made It, Thank the Lord!!

It was a day we all were not quite sure would come.  Life throws our youth a lot of curve balls and a graduation celebrates more than just the work of the graduate!  It takes a dedicated teen, teachers, parents, and a whole team of supportive people to see this day come to fruition.  Andrew and I were so proud to attend the local graduation where we went to see Laniecha and her cousin Renelle graduate. Laniecha's mother smiled at me and said, "This is my degree right here!!"
We were pleased to see that at least three of the young men who attend our basketball program were also graduating!! 
Between Andrew and I we've known the girls and their families for seven or eight years.  Both are beautiful girls with lots of dreams and two sweet little sons.  We pray that God will continue to keep them and that they will seek to follow the Lord with the rest of their lives.  They made it to graduation, but there is so much more life for them to accomplish and that too will take a community of godly support.

1 comment:

  1. So happy you could share this acheivement with them.
