During the conference, I looked around the room at this relatively small gathering of diverse men and women drawn together by the Holy Spirit and a common goal, and I felt an overwhelming conviction that we haven't even begun to see what the Lord will do through this movement of churches.
They are a serious, fun-loving, brave, humble, competent, bold, and passionate group of men and women who are willing to pour themselves out as an offering in some of the most difficult communities around.
The most dangerous neighborhoods in their cities? They want them for Christ.
Brothers and sisters in prison? They plan to shepherd them.
Individuals in bondage to addiction, brokenness, and poverty? They share their life and Christ's love with them.
During one of our sessions about the mission of the Christ the Victor Movement (CTV), a staff member shared about the grandness of God's vision for the world's redemption. He said, "He wants it all, so we want it all!" I can't think of a better summary of the heart of these leaders and the desire of our missionary staff as we work to equip and empower urban church planting!
This CTV family was brought together this weekend to be sent out again, renewed and empowered. Jesus Christ is the Victor. He is victorious over every form of darkness and bondage and barrier. Our cities need to hear this message of hope and this is precisely the message that these urban leaders speak to their churches and neighborhoods. May God's kingdom continue to advance in the city and to him be all the glory!
(World Impact staff and conference attendees)